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Subject Description
Summer Seminars Over the Summer Futures had seminars August 9th through the 27th of August. Each futures member was in a team and they were influence of family on Education, Does Language promote or prevent Academic Success team ,How do you identify Student resistance in high schools and what is the influence of Hip hop students on Urban Education, each team had three weeks to research and find information on there topics, and at the end of the three weeks every team had to present there findings in a presentation in front of parents and college professors.

One of the groups was Hip-Hop. We did a lot of research over those three weeks. We interviewed teachers, and we asked them if Hip-Hop was a big influence in teenagers life’s? We also asked other high school students that were at UCLA for a Technology Program. We went around campus and asked students who went to UCLA the same question. Most of the responses were positive and negative influences to teenagers today.

In the summer several futures students did research on ,does your family have a big influence on your education and from the results it kinds of depends on the kind of family you have. The majority of the time people with poor families do well in school but when its time to go to college they usually don't go because they can't afford it. Usually rich kids don't really have to worry about it because they don't have to worry about the finances.

chart was created by hector lopez information given by futures and research group.

This web page was created and designed by Hector Lopez
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