Links To Research Groups:

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/Research/ /Hip Hop Project/ /Introduction/ /Presentations/ /College Visits/

Subject Description
Presentations The language group studied how language influences a student's education. By analyzing poems and stories people wrote, the students examined how educators/students felt when they couldn't speak. When they couldn’t talk language that the majorities are talking. Most of them wrote that they felt out of place because of the language barrier because they only know their native tongue. They interview teachers and students and asked them simple questions: 1. What is Standard English? 2. What would they do to help a student that has a language barrier that doesn’t interact with the other students in hi/her group? 3. What is Ebonics’? They also gave them a three situation in the classroom where students feel out of place and asked them what would they do to help them? After collecting the research and interview data, the languages research group presented to a panel of UCLA faculty and quest. The faculty panel consisted of Dr. Jeannie Oales, Dr. Frederich Erickson, and Dr, Danial Solarzano, with comments by Dr. Peter McLauren. At a conference at UCLA those present in the audience included their own families, UCLA faculty, school and district officials, UCLA lawyers, and invited quest.
Futures Students Speak To UCLA TEP Students 1998 Six students from the futures class volunteered to speak to John Rogers TEP (Teacher Education Program) class. The six students met the class on November 18, 1998. They met in a classroom on the Santa Monica High School campus. The students went to talk to the class about their opinions about school and other things. The TEP students asked the students questions, which they thought would help advise them to become a better teacher, once they started to teach. The TEP students asked the students what they considered to be a good quality in a teacher, what a safe school environment meant to them, as well as if they thought of SAMO as safe. All the students basically had the same thought and opinions to the questions that they would help each other get their opinions across. To them a good quality for a teacher to have is to willing to listen to talk to a student outside of class about a problem they have and to give them support they need. A place where they could speak their mind openly, talk about current events that are happening in the community that affect them and where students basically have mutual respect for one another, as what they consider to be a safe school environment. When the students were asked if they thought SAMO was safe, they answered "yes because it has these qualities and many more". It was an interesting event. There was a little tension because the six students were not used to being in front of a university class just answering questions right off the top of their head. Once they got more relaxed everything was fine.
San Diego State Trip On [when] we went to San Diego to present at the University of California San Diego and also visit the San Diego State University campus. We were invited to speak at CREATE and talked to researchers, educators, and outreach coordinators about what we do in futures. We described Futures as a group of people who have become a family. A family had to work to become strong. We told them how Futures has helped a lot of us. How it has gave us that push to do well. How that without futures, some of us don't know where or what we would be doing. We let them know that Futures is not all fun and games, and that we had to do a lot of work to get where we are. Besides the classroom aspect, we told them about all the family problems that we had and that it was hard for some of us to get by, but we always had Futures where we could go and talk. We tried to let them know what futures were about by telling them everything that we have done. Futures is a type of program that can not be explained in words. It is one of those things that you have to show a person so that they could understand who and what we are.
UCLA DR. Solorzano's Presentations In the futures class we speaking to people about different aspects of our research. Several research groups spoke went to UCLA to speak to Dr. Daniel Solorzano's graduate course, Minority education. We spoke with his class about our summer research projects including resistance, hip-hop culture, language influences, and family influences. My group discussed how our families have impacted our school life. We talked about how some families thought more highly about education then others. We discussed all the different issues that went into how different families conceptualize school.
TEP Presentations 1999 A group of Futures students to UCLA [WHEN?] and talked to a class of future English teachers. During the discussion we talked to them about the different aspects of classrooms that we liked and disliked about are teachers. We tried to help them to be opened mined about teaching. We stressed the importance of teachers willing to listen to their students when they become teachers. We tried to tell the TEP students how important it was for a teacher to be there to help them, before and after school, if they need it. We felt they should know that some times people don't always get it when you explain something to them. As teachers, you must be patient. They had to be open to change and open to the students' ideas on things that they wanted to do. Most importantly, we expressed to the future teachers that learning can be fun .
chart was created by hector lopez information given by futures and presentations.

1) Subject

A. English Teacher
B. Summer Research Presentations
C. Dr. Solorzano/ Louria
D. Presentation @ San Diego
E. Chancellor Ball
F. Futures/ Family Meetings


A. Tiffany- English Teachers @ SaMoHi
B. Ebony- Summer Research Presentations
C. Tanae- Solorzano/ Louria
D. Tanae- UCSD Presentation
E. Ebony- Chancellors Conference

3) Links

* UCLA Center X Web Page
* Santa Monica High School Official Page
* "The SAMOHI" biweekly student newspaper

4) Drawing

5) Topic For Each Person

A. Presentation
1.English Teacher
2. Two Paragraphs
3. Links To SaMoHi Web Page
4. Presentation Summer Research
5. 2 Paragraph
6. Link To

This web page was created and designed by Hector Lopez
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