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Subject Description
Research On Wednesday October 20,1999 Sevral students from the future project presented research that we did at UCLA on social inequality in the school curriculum and the influence of cultural languages in the classroom to the English department at Santa Monica High School. We also talked about the strategy that teacher could use to help their students while receiving this information. The teacher seemed very interested in what we had to say. They took notes and asked question, like what can we do to help better our students? From the looks on their faces except Mr. H. and Mrs. L., They were surprise we knew what we knew, the research that is. This was important to us, the future project that we presented this information to the English teachers because they play a big part in how we present ourselves as stuents(people) in the world. And also so that teachers are aware on how to better themselves as teachers and could help the students better themselves by helping them. The future project gain Success by helping others because that is our goal to help others whether it be in the present or the future. - Tiffany Davis c/o 2001
chart was created by hector lopez information given by futures and research group.

This web page was created and designed by Hector Lopez
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